Kate’s Story

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I was on a plane, flying to Mexico with my family for summer vacation, when unbeknownst to me, my life was about to change. I was flipping through the airplane magazine when I first read about Dr. Hotze’s program. Maybe I was a bit desperate—wearied and tattered by years of dieting, to little avail, continually plagued by allergies and debilitated by almost daily headaches, not to mention a host of what I assumed to be the unavoidable effects of being a woman of 51. However, as I read, my dwindling hope was sparked. On the next layover I picked up Dr. Hotze’s book, Health, Hormones, and Happiness. As I soaked in the Mexican sun, I read, I learned, and I made up my mind. Less than a month later, I was in Houston at the Health and Wellness Center.
Was it scary to try another thing? Yes. And as I sat and learned about the Yeast Free Eating Plan, I was in tears, sure that I couldn’t do it. But they knew I could. They encouraged, challenged, empowered, and assured me. And thirty days later, I had conquered my impossible and felt like a new person. I was on the way to getting my life back. Today I am more than 25 pounds lighter and with new energy. My cholesterol is under 200 for the first time in years. I work out with a trainer regularly and enjoy daily walks with my best friend. I have gotten off four prescription drugs that I have been on for years, and I am headache free!
My life has always been so good that I almost feel undeserving of it. I have a wonderful husband of 31 years, three beautiful daughters, two precious grandchildren and another on the way. In many ways it gets better every year. I did not want my health to keep me from enjoying the best years of my life. Thanks to Dr. Hotze’s program, it doesn’t have to. I can live my days fully and savor the sweetness. My cup runneth over.
Can you relate to Kate's story? Contact us today and let us help you get your life back!

Written By: STEVEN F. HOTZE, M.D.

Steven F. Hotze, M.D., is the founder and CEO of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, Hotze Vitamins and Physicians Preference Pharmacy International, LLC.