Joy’s Story – Symptoms After a Hysterectomy

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I was so thankful I didn’t have a life threatening problem, but I knew my quality of life could be better.  Or could it?  I had been to so many doctors, had lots of tests run, including MRI’s, with absolutely no results.  I had about given up on finding a doctor that could or would help me, when my husband read a story in Texas Monthly.  The story was about a woman close to my age, having health problems very similar to mine. The difference was she had found someone who had helped her.

At the age of 38 I had a partial hysterectomy due to a cyst on an ovary. A complete hysterectomy was necessary at the age of 45 when continuing problems persisted.  My doctor started me on Premarin, assuring me it was a very good hormone.  It became very apparent that my doctor’s idea of a good hormone was not the same as mine.  If it was helping any at all, I couldn’t tell.  Maybe it was because of the brain fog I seemed to live in, or was it because my memory had become so bad I could have forgotten to take it as directed.

Not only did my hands and feet stay cold but I was freezing while everyone around me was comfortable.  That is except for the hot flashes and night sweats which came around quite frequently.  My energy level was so low I had to drag myself out of bed in the morning and push myself to get anything done during the day.  I had less energy now than I did when we were raising our three children, working on our west Texas farm, or driving an eighteen-wheeler across Texas.  I had gone from having mild headaches to severe headaches that over the counter medicines wouldn’t help.  Mood swings were another problem.  As far as a sex drive, forget it.  Believe me you will forget it without the right hormones.

My husband, who I have been married to for 35 years, thought I should give the Hotze Health & Wellness Center a try.  I didn’t jump at the chance to see another doctor, but gave in to his persuasion on one condition; if I go this time you won’t try to get me to go to another doctor later, believing this wasn’t going to be any different anyway.

Much to my surprise, nothing about this doctor’s visit was like any other I had been to.  I was treated like an individual and not a number by everyone from the time I entered the door until I left.  I found out there was a doctor out there who did care, who did listen, and who did help.  Yes, I did go through more tests, but through these tests, the problem was found.  I was started on bio-identical hormones, thyroid therapy, a yeast-free diet, vitamins, and allergy drops.  I actually walked out feeling good about being there.  Within a few days my energy began to increase, the headaches stopped along with the hot flashes and night sweats.  My health continued to improve daily.  Within six weeks I felt like new person.  Am I glad I gave the Hotze Health & Wellness Center a try?  Yes, I am.   Thanks to the Hotze Health & Wellness Center I got my life back.

Can you relate to Joy’s story? Contact us today and let us help you get your life back!