Gertrude’s Story – Lack of Energy

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On March 3, 2003, I stepped into the Hotze Health and Wellness Center and began my journey toward renewed health and vitality.  I was greeted with kindness and with careful attention as I went through the testing process.  On meeting Dr. Hotze I was inspired by his enthusiasm and apparent energy and abundant health.  I wanted this for myself!
At that time I was seventy years old and a retired school counselor.  For several years, I had been feeling that my health was slowly deteriorating.  My husband heard Dr. Hotze’s radio program and convinced me to make an appointment.
Physically, my major complaint was lack of energy.  I felt tired most of the time.  The kind of weariness that a good night’s sleep does not correct. Frequently, I felt depressed and “out of sorts”.  I often had headaches, occasional IBS, and painful leg cramps.  Since my hysterectomy in 1980, I had taken hormone replacement medications, Ogen and Premarin.  Concerned with the reports of the dangers of these drugs, I longed for a substitute. 
Psychologically, I was feeling that my future would be one of declining health.  Isn’t that what we are led to expect as we get older?  Dr. Hotze painstakingly reviewed my medical history and began treatment for an under active thyroid and yeast sensitivity.  Natural hormones and vitamin and mineral supplements were prescribed.  In the past I found it confusing to choose what supplements to take and how much to take.  Now I knew exactly without guesswork which supplements were right for me.  In addition, a nutritionally balanced eating program was recommended.  I received a lot of information on that first visit.  Too much to remember, but on my way out I received a written comprehensive plan that was easy to follow.
Soon, I began to feel better and as I look back on the last three years, I realize I have experienced excellent health and youthful energy.   My husband is extremely pleased with the consequences of the medical care I have received at the clinic.  The few questions and concerns I have had were dealt with promptly by Dr. Donald Ellsworth and the Hotze staff.
Best of all, I feel secure in the knowledge that I have found the formula for many years of healthy, happy living.

Can you relate to Gertrude's story?  Don't wait, contact us today to get on a path of health and wellness.


Written By: STEVEN F. HOTZE, M.D.

Steven F. Hotze, M.D., is the founder and CEO of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, Hotze Vitamins and Physicians Preference Pharmacy International, LLC.