Debra’s Story – Anxiety, Heavy Menstrual Cycles

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My story started sometime in my 20’s, after my second child was born.  I began to have extremely heavy menstrual cycles along with a low level, yet always “there”, anxiety.  As the years progressed, so did my symptoms.  By the time I was in my forties, I had been diagnosed with hypoglycemia, heart palpitations, fibromyalgia, fibrocystic breast disease, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, Hepatitis C and Lyme’s disease. The ultimate blow came when I experienced liver failure after taking one of my “pharmaceutical cocktails”.  

After seeing what seemed like dozens of doctors, and trying just about every prescription drug one could take, a friend told me about bio-identical hormones. This is when my real healing began.  I read everything I could find on hormone balancing and began progesterone therapy.  I slowly began to get “my life back”.  I made some radical changes in my lifestyle and began juicing. Being married to a pastor, I was blessed to have his emotional and physical support, as well as that of our entire congregation.  But as I lay in the bed month after month, the guilt and shame of “not being able to pull it together” weighed on me.  Surely, as a pastor’s wife and Bible teacher, I should be able to get beyond this. 

My quest for health progressed over several years, but I just was not able to get “over the top.”  I decided to go to Dr. Hotze’s clinic, based on his years of experience with bio-identical hormones.  I’m soooooo very happy that in December 2004, I made the phone call to his wellness center.  After an in depth interview over the phone and an hour and a half office visit, we had a plan.  For once, I was in the driver’s seat and the staff was there to help me with the quest.  My adrenals were fried from the years of stress on my body and thyroid supplementation was prescribed.  I was also given several other hormones to bring me into balance.  I am now able to care for my family the way I have always wanted to.  I home school my 13 year old son.  I also do quite a bit of Bible teaching as well as the bookkeeping for our company and our church.  I ultimately give my creator Jehovah Rapha,”God my healer” all the glory.  He truly has made these wonderful bodies of ours to heal.  We had a little 90 year old lady pass away this past week and in preparation for her funeral I stood on my feet for many hours in the kitchen.  The following morning I woke up at 6:30 am, and was NOT fatigued.  I am so grateful to the Lord and Dr. Hotze for the work that was done in my body!  My husband was so impressed with my renewed health that he also went to the Hotze Wellness Center in April of 2005.

Today I am a huge advocate of bio-identical hormones and a crusader for getting the toxins out of our environments.  On behalf of all those that have loved and cared for me, I give to you, Dr. Hotze, my biggest “Thank You” and God’s riches blessings for what you are doing.

Have you experienced many of the symptoms that Debra did?  Don't wait, contact us today.