Dawn’s Story – Joint Pain

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Eight months ago, suddenly, without warning, my body seized up and started failing like a car engine when you drive it with no oil in it.  I could not get out of bed that day on the first of May 2005.  My body literally hurt all over from head to toe.  I was frightened.  This stiffness and pain in all of my joints continued, but I tried to tough it out and keep going as best I could.   This went on for two months and then it seemed to ease up a little; I think I was just getting used to the pain and becoming able to push through it.   Because my husband’s job was downsized 4 years ago, we do not have insurance so I hesitated to go to the doctor.  I started reading up on the internet and trying to diagnose myself and kept praying for an answer to what was wrong with me.  I finally broke down and went to my family physician.  He said to me “well you are at about the right age for arthritis” and prescribed an anti-inflammatory.  I asked him “does arthritis come on suddenly overnight all over the body like it did me?”  He pretty much ignored my question.  The anti-inflammatory did not work.

I was so tired all the time that I could barely walk across the room.  My wonderful husband, Roy, had to do everything around the house for me and even help me get dressed.  I had to use the electric carts at the grocery store so that I could make it through the store.  I fought the good fight and tried to keep going forward with a good attitude, but as suddenly as the pain had struck my body, the depression set in.  I would just break out crying at home, in the car on the way home from church, and when I was alone.

Roy listens to the radio station 700 KSEV here in Houston and heard Dr. Hotze talk about natural thyroid and hormone replacement. He told me that what Dr. Hotze talked about sounded like what I was going through, so I looked at their website, www.hotzehwc.com, and took the quizzes to diagnose my symptoms.   I then realized that it was my under active thyroid that was responsible for my problems.  I wanted to immediately go to their clinic and get help but hesitated because of the cost, so I kept plugging on trying to have some quality of life and enjoy my family and grandkids.

Finally on November 8, 2005, I came to the end and could stand it no more.  I was crying and trying to get the words out to my husband that if I had to live one more day like this, I would rather be dead!! I was not just being dramatic.  I really meant it with all of my heart!! Roy, who had been so very worried about me all this time, said yes and went to the Center with me for my first visit; Roy is such a sweetie!!

My first visit was November 10, 2005.  Everyone at the Center was awesome.  They spent 4 hours with me talking to me and really listening to me with care and compassion.  They did not treat me as if I was a hypochondriac or crazy person.  They did lab tests etc., and I went home that day with Armour thyroid, a natural thyroid tablet, and other hormones and vitamins.

The very first day I took the Armour Thyroid I felt better.  After 4 days of the hormones and vitamins I was a new woman.  I had energy, was in less pain, my mood skyrocketed and I was able to sleep again. Roy, my family, and friends all noticed the difference immediately.  They had all been very worried about me but did not know what to do.  Roy has been telling everyone that he can hardly believe the difference in such a short time.

It has been about 2 months now and I am feeling better every day.  I am back to my normal joyous self. I know that God was pointing me in the direction of the Hotze Center and it was He who brought it to my husband’s attention.   I have to say thank you to the Hotze Health and Wellness Center for taking me from death and despair to life and joy overflowing once again.

Do you have severe joint pain?  Contact us today so that you, too, can get your life back!


Written By: STEVEN F. HOTZE, M.D.

Steven F. Hotze, M.D., is the founder and CEO of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, Hotze Vitamins and Physicians Preference Pharmacy International, LLC.