Brenda’s Story – Severe Mood Swings, Headaches, Fatigue

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I was a crazy woman before I started on Bio-Identical hormones. My husband and our three (3) daughters were about to choke me to death. I asked them if I was REALLY THAT BAD…and they said not bad, but worst than bad. I did not realize my husband was on the verge of walking out on me. He named me the “screaming demon.”

I was having headaches all day long, I would consume 3 to 4 powder BC within 24-hour periods, and that would not even get rid of the headaches. I would have terrible mood swing from being a hormonal, depressed, and a very angry woman. It would take absolutely NOTHING to make me angry. I did not have any romantic feelings at all. I screamed at everybody in sight, including being rude to people in public stores, and restaurant servers. (To the point I would be embarrassing my family and I did not even realize what a monster I became.) I felt like I wanted to just crawl out of my skin. I never felt like this before. I could not sleep at night, my thoughts were foggy, and I was tired all the time. My hands and feet were cold, and my eyes were dull. I JUST HATED BEING A WOMAN. Nobody understood what I was going through.

“I would have terrible mood swing from being a hormonal, depressed, and a very angry woman. I could not sleep at night, my thoughts were foggy, and I was tired all the time.”

Prior going to Dr. Hotze in 2002, I went to my gynecologist office with the same symptoms for two or three years in a row, I explained my symptoms to him as I was getting a well woman check up and I requested they do a blood test to see if my hormone levels were normal. Each time he would tell me he just knew my hormones report would come back normal, and each year I insisted they check it anyway. This time I insisted that something had to be wrong with me. I not only had a well woman check up with my gynecologist, but also scheduled later that day a physical with my family doctor for an overall check up. To my disappointment, my gynecologist wanted to put me on antidepressant. He commented that he put every female patient in his family on antidepressants and that they all NOW LOVE HIM. (Can you believe this???) I told him I did not need antidepressant, and that was not the answer for me. I NEVER had a background of needing antidepressant. My gynecologist did not know how to treat my symptoms so his answer for me was to prescribe an “antidepressant.” I was very disappointed and felt helpless. To make matters worse, I did follow up later that day with my family physician to have a physical. I told my family doctor the gynecologist wanted to put me on antidepressants. The family doctor wanted to look at the prescription, and I showed it to him. When he looked at the prescription he told me he could up the dosage if I like. I was not only disappointed, but this made me emotionally upset to tears. (***Note***My husband and I are friends with our family physician, his wife and two children outside of his practice.) I asked him how his wife was doing. His reply was “just like you”. I was insulted, hurt, disappointed, and felt hopeless; there wasn’t anything or any body that could help me.

My husband Jacques was telling a close friend of his named Dave how I had changed. Once my husband described my behavior, and symptoms to Dave, (he/Dave) suggested I visit with Dr. Hotze and his clinic. Dave heard Dr. Hotze on the radio station and sent his wife Debbie Aitken to Dr. Hotze. His comment was Debbie is a CHANGED PERSON. With that, Jacques said go see Dr. Hotze. Within forty (40) days after being a patient of Dr. Hotze, Jacques could see a tremendous improvement. My husband loves me, our children are happy they have me back. I have become the woman of the year. I am a healthy, active, and productive woman. Now I can say I am happy to be a woman.

Whatever it takes, please do not take our Bio-Identical Hormones away. Let this be our choice to take the hormones. It is our body, spirits and mind. We should have a say in taking care of ourselves. It is healthier for us to take these types of hormones. If they can put medicines on television ads, complain we are an unhealthy nation because people are obese because of what they are eating, then why would anyone want to ban Bio-Identical Hormones when it is a natural part of our chemistry? It does not make any sense to me.

Do you fee like Brenda did?  Don’t wait, contact us today so that you, too, can get your life back!

Written By: STEVEN F. HOTZE, M.D.

Steven F. Hotze, M.D., is the founder and CEO of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, Hotze Vitamins and Physicians Preference Pharmacy International, LLC.