Stop Allergies and Sinus Infections without Pharmaceutical Drugs

Comments: 0 | November 20th, 2017

Are you always suffering from allergies and sinus infections?  Whether it’s dust, pollen or even animal dander, it’s all around us. Dr. Steven Hotze talks about how allergies affects our bodies, what goes on internally and the natural solution that will make your life a whole lot easier.

Video Highlights

0:50: Have you had problems with recurrent sinus infections and fatigue? This is a common feature of allergic disorders.

1:17: Every season, there are scores of other weeds that give off their pollens that people react to. In the winter, we’re going to have the molds when you turn on the heater.

2:09:  Any food can cause you to react, and they can cause the same exact reactions that you have with airborne allergens. As a matter of fact, we call them concomitant food allergies. They combine with the airborne allergens in peak season and cause people to have problems.

2:34: We will give them sublingual drops that they take under their tongue, in a little dropper bottle. That builds up blocking antibodies. So you don’t have to come in and take a shot once a week, and sit in the office, drive across town, drive back home, sit in the office, waste two or three hours a day.

3:38: Sinus infections, bronchial infections, asthma, maybe you have skin rashes, maybe you have headaches, maybe you have fatigue. You can even have irregular heart rhythms can be due to allergies.

4:05: When you take those antibiotics, you’re going to kill off normal good health bacteria in your colon. You’re going to get yeast problems. That’s very common in allergy patients.

Video Transcription

Stop Allergies and Sinus Infections without Pharmaceutical DrugsDo you experience recurrent sinus infections and fatigue? This may be caused, and probably is due to an allergic disorder that you have. I’m Dr. Steve Hotze. Please be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel, and follow me on Facebook at Hotze Health. Visit my website at Hotze H-O-T-Z-E H-W-C .com.

I believe that you need a coach, a doctor who will coach you onto a path of health and wellness naturally, so you enjoy better quality of life without having to resort to using pharmaceutical drugs.

Have you had problems with recurrent sinus infections and fatigue? This is a common feature of allergic disorders. Now an allergy’s an abnormal reaction by your body’s immune system to normal occurring substances in the environment. This would be things that you breathe in the air, the airborne allergens, weed pollens, tree pollens, grass pollens, dust mites, mold spores, and animal danders.

Every season, there are scores of other weeds that give off their pollens that people react to. In the winter, we’re going to have the molds when you turn on the heater. At the end of the spring, we have the tree pollens, which leave that green pollen all over your car, that film. Then we have the grass pollens. Year round, we have mold spores, particularly in this area of the country, in Southeast Texas. Everybody that has animals is going to have problem with animal danders, and we all have dust mites in our bed. These are the airborne allergens that cause your immune system, if you have a genetic predisposition towards allergy, you’re going to react to these allergens. You may also react to food allergens. The common allergens are weed pollens, tree pollens, grass pollens, dust mite, mold spore and animal danders.

Food Allergies

Any food can cause you to react, and they can cause the same exact reactions that you have with airborne allergens. As a matter of fact, we call them concomitant food allergies. They combine with the airborne allergens in peak season and cause people to have problems. What often we’ll do with individuals, after we test them, we’ll test them both for the airborne allergens on the skin, and we’ll test them for food allergens.

Sublingual Allergy Drops

We will give them sublingual drops that they take under their tongue, in a little dropper bottle. That builds up blocking antibodies. So you don’t have to come in and take a shot once a week, and sit in the office, drive across town, drive back home, sit in the office, waste two or three hours a day. You simply have your bottle of allergens, the very allergens you’re allergic to, but in the dose that will cause your body to build up blocking antibodies that will block the airborne allergens. We can also test you for foods and give you drops to help you treat your food allergies.

Allergies cause your immune system to react abnormally, which causes certain cells in your body, cause mast cells to rupture and spill histamine into your mucus membranes, into your bronchial tubes, and circulate in your body. That’s histamine that’s released from the mast cells, and that’s why you take an antihistamine. They cause the tissue to swell and drain, and you get this clear drainage, but it’s a culture media for bacteria, and your immune system’s under stress from allergens, the next thing you know, you have your secondary infection.

Sinus infections, bronchial infections, asthma, maybe you have skin rashes, maybe you have headaches, maybe you have fatigue. You can even have irregular heart rhythms can be due to allergies. I’ve seen that happen. So what you have to do is you have to treat your underlying allergic disorder at the root cause, not by masking it with pharmaceutical drugs. That’s what we do here at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center.

Candida or Yeast Overgrowth

When you take those antibiotics, you’re going to kill off normal good health bacteria in your colon. You’re going to get yeast problems. That’s very common in allergy patients.

We treat for yeast by getting you on a yeast free eating program, cleaning our your gut and cleaning it up, putting good probiotics to balance out your good bacteria flora in your gut, so you got a good healthy bowels again.

That’s what we do at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center. That’s how we treat allergies. Let me just tell you right now, you’re coming into the season, and it’s going to hit you a lick. My recommendation is that you come in and give us an opportunity to help you.

I’m Dr. Steve Hotze at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center. I want to ask you to be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel, and follow us on Facebook at Hotze Health. Also, you can go to our website at

We Can Help

We believe that you deserve a doctor and a team of professionals to coach you onto a path of health and wellness, naturally, so that you can enjoy a better quality of life without the use of pharmaceutical drugs. Contact our wellness consultants for a complimentary wellness consultation at 281-698-8698 today!


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