Forever Young BBL, Healthy Skin and the Fountain of Youth

Comments: 2 | March 3rd, 2021

blonde woman looking at face in mirrorWould you like younger, healthier looking skin with less brown spots, fine lines, and redness? Would you like the freedom to wear less makeup while maintaining an even and glowing complexion? Would you like to slow down and even reverse the process of aging? If so, our Forever Young BBL treatment may be just the solution you need!

What is BBL?

BBL stands for Broadband Light.  Unlike laser treatments, this is a light spectrum that is used to treat the skin with no downtime. When applied with proper technique, BBL offers corrective, regenerative and preventative properties. When superficial sun damage, brown spots, redness and broken capillaries are present, BBL is absorbed into the extra melanin and hemoglobin in these areas to reduce and remove this damage. While being absorbed into the cells, BBL is simultaneously regenerating collagen and elasticity in the skin. Furthermore, on the microscopic level BBL is also altering the expression of genes in the skin cells to reverse and prevent the aging process!

What will BBL improve?

BBL removes unwanted brown spots, sun damage, fine lines, broken capillaries, flushing, rosacea and even restores elasticity. Removing these blemishes and impurities smoothes the complexion and allows it to be more reflective which in turn restores a youthful glow. Most of the guests we treat are complimented on the bright and healthy appearance of their skin without anyone noticing that they’ve had a cosmetic procedure. Our long term guests often hear that they look younger and younger each time they see distant acquaintances, family or friends. This is because BBL literally reverses the appearance of aging as it diminishes fine lines and restores volume to the skin.

What is the treatment like?

This treatment can vary slightly for everyone. In general, however, the treatment process is as follows:

  • Your skin is numbed with a lidocaine numbing gel for 20-30 minutes before the procedure.
  • Once the skin is cleansed and disinfected, ultrasound numbing gel is applied to the treatment area to protect the epidermis of the skin.
  • During the treatment, light is applied in “pulses” which to you will look like a bright flash and feel like a warm-hot snapping sensation.
  • Afterward, you may feel a mild sunburn sensation and have some redness that can be covered immediately with makeup.
  • The whole procedure—including paperwork, numbing, cleansing, treatment and aftercare instruction— is typically finished within a range of 1 – 1.5 hours if treating one area.

What does the research show?

BBL is clinically proven to fight the aging process of your skin by altering the expression of genes for more youthful, healthy skin. As you age, certain genes within your cells begin to express themselves differently than when you were younger – imagine young genes “turning off” and old genes “turning on.” When BBL is applied correctly, this process is reversed!

This was proven in a 10-year clinical study done with Stanford University, one of the longest skin care studies ever conducted. The study found that BBL turns off genes associated with aging while turning on youthful genes that were previously active when you were young. As a result, new skin cells are programmed to look and act younger, and you can naturally create more kinds of proteins and building blocks for healthy skin.

Before and After Photos

A picture is worth a thousand words, so check out this amazing before-after picture to see for yourself:

Schedule Your Aesthetics Consultation Today!

If you’re ready to turn off the aging gene and start looking younger, call us today to schedule your consultation for our BBL treatment at (281) 698-8770. We use Visia Complexion Analysis, a top-of-the-line facial imaging system that will give you a complete 3D visual of your skin. For a limited time, we are offering a complimentary aesthetics consultation ($50 value).

Click here to check out a complete list of our aesthetic services!

Written By: STEVEN F. HOTZE, M.D.

Steven F. Hotze, M.D., is the founder and CEO of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, Hotze Vitamins and Physicians Preference Pharmacy International, LLC.


2 thoughts on “Forever Young BBL, Healthy Skin and the Fountain of Youth

    • Hotze Team

      Dear Nina,

      Thank you for your question. For more detailed information, please contact our aesthetics team at 281-698-8770 and we will pass along your emails to them so that can reach out to you, as well. They can schedule a complimentary Visia skin analysis that will help them determine your treatment. Thank you!

      To your health,

      Hotze Team


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