Tips for Eating Out Yeast-Free

Comments: 2 | August 3rd, 2011

Eating Out Yeast-Free

 If you are doing the yeast-free eating program, then it’s time to give you some tips for eating out yeast-free to make life easier for you. Just keep these tips in your back pocket and know that there are a ton of people cheering you on through the finish line.

Now on to today’s business. Let’s talk about eating out. That’s right, you read me: eating out on the yeast-free eating program – it can be done. This is for all of you yeast-free eaters out there who are missing your favorite restaurants, dinner dates with your spouse and eating out with friends. Just because you’re eating yeast-free doesn’t mean you have to give up your social life.

And we get it, sometimes life just gets busy and you have to pick up something quick. Have no fear, all is not lost.

Here are a few tips for navigating restaurant menus in with yeast-free flair.

First of all, if you already know you will be eating at a certain restaurant, check out their menu online before you go. Often the menus online will give you a list of ingredients so that you know what you’re getting into ahead of time. Secondly, you will avoid looking at the nasty-tasting bland items on the menu that are less than yeast-free. Even though I’m sure you will not be tempted in the least by these dishes that are of course completely devoid of flavor, it’s just a good idea. Trust me.

Ouch. This one is going to hurt, but it’s good for you. If you are visiting a restaurant that brings certain complimentary appetizers to the table before you order – you know, the ones that usually come in baskets either accompanied by salsa or wrapped in a napkin – kindly ask the waiter not to place them on the table. This will avoid the emotional tug caused by these “basketed” items. I know, it hurts. No pain, no gain, right?

Here are possible dining-out options for the yeast-free eating program:

Pappasito’s: Their salsa does not contain vinegar and their guacamole does not include sour cream. You can always have the Carne Asada or faijitas – no tortillas or chips, of course.

Carraba’s: Take the fresh herbs and olive oil mixture that is typically used for dipping the bread and substitute it as a great dressing for salads.

Charcoal Chicken, Sweet Mesquite, Black-Eyed Pea and Luby’s: These restaurants and others like them are guaranteed to have at least one yeast-free friendly choice on their menu. Be sure to order a balanced meal eating only the proper portions of protein, carbohydrate and fat.

Seafood Restaurants: You can order any blackened or grilled fish (add their lemon butter sauce after two weeks). A salad with an olive oil and lemon juice dressing and steamed vegetables make great side dishes.

Steak Houses: Your finer cuts of meat are always a great yeast-free choice. Choose a dinner salad and steamed veggies as sides.

For those that are really on the go:

Chick-Fil-A: Try the grilled chicken salad with lemon juice salad dressing.

Chipotle’s: You can get a bowl with your choice of meat, black beans, pico de gallo, guacamole, and lettuce.

Boston Market: The baked chicken or turkey with the steamed mixed veggies and/or green beans is an excellent choice. After two weeks, you can have the fruit bowl.

Now, that doesn’t sound so bad does it?  In fact, you’re probably getting hungry just thinking about it.

Now that you know you have options, go out! Eat yeast-free and be merry!


2 thoughts on “Tips for Eating Out Yeast-Free

  1. B

    Just thought you should know that the Chick-fil-A grilled nuggets have yeast extract in them so not a great choice if you’re trying to cut out yeast.
    -B. Smith (Chickfila employee)


    • Hotze Team

      Good Morning,

      Thank you for the tip! That is good to know. It can be challenging when trying to eat yeast-free at restaurants. We appreciate your help.


      Hotze Team


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