The Surprising Benefits of Testosterone (It’s Not Just What You Think)

Comments: 0 | February 22nd, 2016

Benefits of Testosterone

The New England Journal of Medicine published a new study, Effects of Testosterone Treatment in Older Men. This study included men of age 65 and older with symptoms of low testosterone, and the results are as follows:

• Men who received testosterone reported better sexual function, including activity, desire, and erectile function, than those who received placebo.

• Men who received testosterone reported slightly better mood and lower severity of depressive symptoms than those who received placebo.

• Men in the testosterone group were also more likely to report that their energy was better.

The Many Benefits of Testosterone
This study is not news to us. It validates what we have known for years, that bioidentical testosterone supplementation helps resolve men’s low testosterone symptoms. Besides libido, moods, and energy, optimal testosterone levels are also helpful in alleviating these symptoms:

Lack of initiative, assertiveness and drive
Decline in sense of well-being and self-confidence
Increased body fat around the waist
Decreased mental sharpness
Lessened stamina and endurance
Loss of muscle mass, strength and tone
Sleep apnea
Enlarged breasts

Testosterone also protects the heart and arteries, decreasing men’s risk of heart disease, and it has been shown that men with arteriosclerosis generally have low testosterone levels.

Testosterone Success Story
Take a look at how bioidentical testosterone transformed Tom’s life:

Do you need testosterone?
As men age, their testosterone levels decrease. By simply replacing the missing testosterone with bioidentical testosterone, you can relieve your symptoms, get back your energy and be excited about life again.

Can you relate to Tom’s story? Take our men’s testosterone quiz today to find out if you have symptoms of low testosterone, or call us for a complimentary wellness consultation at 877-698-8698.

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