One Really Important Reason to do the Candida Diet

Comments: 1 | May 23rd, 2016

candida diet

In a new study, Johns Hopkins researchers found that yeast (or Candida) infections are linked to mental illness. They also found that Candida is more common among those with memory loss.

According to their findings, a history of Candida infections was more common in a group of men with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder than in those without these disorders, and women with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder who tested positive for Candida performed worse on a standard memory test than women with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder who had no evidence of past infection. Since most Candida infections can be treated in their early stages, they recommend that doctors should make it a point to look out for these infections in their patients with mental illness.

What is Candida or yeast overgrowth?
Candida Albicans is a fungus which lives and overgrows in our intestines causing an imbalance in the normal bacteria of the colon so that we get less normal healthy bacteria, and more yeast. Unless you take steps to eliminate the yeast, it can cause many negative health symptoms.

Symptoms of Candida or Yeast Overgrowth
Bloating Depression
Belching Anxiety
Excessive gas Skin rashes
Constipation Immune suppression
Heartburn Muscle aches
Hives Inability to concentrate
Cramps Diarrhea
Skin rashes Indigestion
Vaginal yeast infections Athlete’s foot
Thrush, a white coating on the tongue Fatigue
Fungal infections under fingernails and toenails Headaches

Yeast Produces Toxins
If the above symptoms aren’t enough to convince you to get rid of yeast, then here’s something to think about – yeast produces over 180 toxins. As these toxins are absorbed in the colon and enter the bloodstream, they can cause symptoms in other areas of your body, including your brain. Now that can’t be good for you. These toxins also impair immunity, making you more reactive to allergies and more susceptible to infections. Weakened immunity contributes to recurrent infections, leading to frequent antibiotic use, thus perpetuating this vicious cycle that is hard to break. Further, an individual with increased levels of yeast in his system often becomes allergic to yeast, and therefore, allergic to food products which contain yeast, such as wine, beer, breads, etc.

How do you know if you have yeast?
If you have ever taken an antibiotic, eaten antibiotic-injected meat or dairy products, taken birth control pills, or steroid medications, then you are susceptible to yeast overgrowth and its varied symptoms. Anyone who’s had antibiotics is at high risk for having Candida overgrowth because just one round of antibiotics kills off the friendly bacteria and allows yeast to overgrow. Antibiotics destroy good bacteria along with the bad, leaving you defenseless and open to more infection in the future. Unfortunately, antibiotics do not kill yeast, so the yeast flourishes in the digestive tract and vagina.

How do you get rid of yeast?
To get rid of the yeast, you have to starve it, kill it and then replace the good bacteria. Yeast feeds on sugar, so cutting sugar out of your diet is the first place to start. We recommend doing a Candida diet, or yeast-free eating program. The staff at Hotze Health & Wellness Center can guide you through this process to gastrointestinal health. The yeast free diet does take dedication and discipline, but we will be there to coach you along every step of the way.

Don’t wait. Take our Candida Quiz today to find out if you have symptoms of Candida so that you can start taking action to eliminate the yeast, protect your mental health, and feel your best.


One thought on “One Really Important Reason to do the Candida Diet

  1. Laird J Markland

    I have taken statin drugs for years. I am also Hypoglycemic, so I have used artificial sweeteners for many years, primarily Sweet N Low. I am now using a natural organic sweetener. I have recently been diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment.

    I will be interested in seeing how I can reverse this diagnosis.


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