The High Cholesterol-Hypothyroidism Connection

Comments: 1 | May 16th, 2017

The High Cholesterol-Hypothyroidism Connection

As Americans, we are all too familiar with high cholesterol. In fact, it’s estimated that 71 million Americans have high cholesterol; the majority of which have likely been told that it’s due to diet or that they need cholesterol-lowering drugs. Considering that more than 72 million Americans are obese, it comes as no surprise that diet contributes to high cholesterol and triglycerides. But you may be surprised to learn that in addition to an unhealthy diet, the cause for your high cholesterol could be linked to hypothyroidism.

The High Cholesterol-Hypothyroidism Connection
Adequate levels of thyroid hormone, especially the active form of the thyroid hormone, T3, are essential for the metabolism of cholesterol. In order for your body to remove excess cholesterol, the liver must be functioning optimally. Your liver converts the extra cholesterol into bile, which then leaves the body through elimination. Thyroid hormone plays an integral role in liver function. Increased levels of thyroid hormone increase the number of LDL cholesterol receptors on the liver cells. This allows these cells to remove excess LDL cholesterol from the plasma. If adequate amounts of thyroid hormone are not supplied, the liver’s ability to remove cholesterol out of the plasma is compromised.

Research shows that hypothyroidism is one of the most common causes of high cholesterol. Biochemical screening for thyroid dysfunction is critical in all patients with high cholesterol, as well as in all patients with unexpected improvement or worsening of their lipid profile. Underlying thyroid disorders should be recognized and treated in this setting. Therefore evaluation of thyroid function is needed and it is imperative to first correct thyroid dysfunction with thyroxine substitution therapy. (1) Research demonstrates that thyroid disorders are known to influence lipid metabolism and are common in patients with elevated cholesterol. Hypothyroidism has an adverse effect on the serum lipid profile that may predispose to the development of atherosclerotic disease. Thyroid substitution therapy is beneficial for patients with hypothyroidism.(2)

Natural Solution to Lower Cholesterol
This is why high cholesterol and high triglycerides are often listed as a symptom of low thyroid function. In our practice, we find that elevated cholesterol is lowered naturally to healthy levels with the addition of thyroid hormone. It’s important to note that this is with the addition of desiccated thyroid as opposed to synthetic thyroid pharmaceuticals such as Synthroid or Levoxyl. Desiccated thyroid preparations contain both the inactive and active form of thyroid hormones, T4 and T3 respectively. Pharmaceuticals such as Synthroid unfortunately rely on the body’s ability to adequately convert T4 to T3. For many, this conversion process is impaired, thus the amount of active thyroid hormone available to their cells is limited. For this reason, our practice utilizes and recommends desiccated thyroid preparations.

Did you know that cholesterol is essential for life? Cholesterol…

…is needed for synthesizing and producing the hormones progesterone, testosterone, estrogen and cortisol
…is the essential building block of every cell of your body and is critical for stabilizing every cell membrane
…ensures that the brain functions properly and without it, it becomes difficult to focus and memory loss occurs
…assists the liver in producing bile acids which are essential for digestion of fats and ridding the body of waste
…has beneficial effects on the immune system
…is needed to make vitamin D, which is essential for preventing inflammation and disease

Beware of Statin Drugs
It must be said that the cause of high cholesterol is not due to a low level of foreign chemicals in your body such as Lipitor or Crestor. Considering the importance of cholesterol to the body, the debilitating effects of statin drugs should come as no surprise. Using unnatural means to stop the body’s normal biological processes is only beneficial for Big Pharma’s bottom line.  NASA Astronaut Scientist Dr. Duane Graveline personally experienced the debilitating effects of these drugs when he had profound memory loss while taking Lipitor.

Side Effects of Cholesterol Lowering Drugs
Memory loss
Muscle damage
Risk of cancer
Type 2 diabetes
Muscle weakness
Liver damage
Kidney failure
Abdominal cramping
Mental confusion
Erectile dysfunction
Nerve damage

Watch as Dr. Hotze explains why statin drugs are not the answer for high cholesterol:

One in every three American adults has high cholesterol. If your cholesterol levels are high, in addition to the common symptoms of hypothyroidism, then hypothyroidism may very well be the culprit. Instead of relying on a statin drug to lower a lab value, consider going beyond the paperwork. Work with your body’s natural cholesterol metabolism by addressing the source of your high cholesterol and symptoms. Healthy cholesterol levels are one of the many benefits of a healthy thyroid.

Related Content
4 Ways to Diagnose Hypothyroidism
Hidden Dangers of Cholesterol Lowering Drugs

1. Effects of Thyroid Dysfunction on Lipid Profile
2. Dyslipidemia in Patients With Thyroid Disorders

Written By: STEVEN F. HOTZE, M.D.

Steven F. Hotze, M.D., is the founder and CEO of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, Hotze Vitamins and Physicians Preference Pharmacy International, LLC.


One thought on “The High Cholesterol-Hypothyroidism Connection

  1. Kaaren Lebert

    My bad cholesterol was high (so was my good) and no other life style indicators of high blood pressure, my doctor put me on Synthroid for 3 months (50mcg). Blood tests at 3 months showed lower cholesterol and a tendency to hyperthyroidism so dosage was halved (25mcg). i now find I need to take it once every third day or I start have hyperthyroid symptoms. Is it possible to ween off Synthroid completely?


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