
5 thoughts on “Dr. Steven Hotze and Deborah Duncan on Hypothyroidism

  1. Idella Woods

    What can I do? I’ve been battling hypothyroidism for 4 years and I’ve seen so many drs. My main problem is my insurance. It seems reputable drs don’t take medicaid so I have to keep going to ones who do not have my well being in mind. I’m so very tired of fighting. I just want to be healthy again! What can I do?


    • Hotze Team

      We are so sorry for the frustration you have encountered with mainstream doctors. If you have already been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, but are still having symptoms, then it is possible that a) you are on a synthetic thyroid medication such as Synthroid or Levothyroxine that aren’t as effective because they contain only T4, the inactive thyroid hormone, or b) you are not on the correct dose of thyroid medication for you. Our doctors would need to evaluate your clinical history and symptoms in order to advise you. Please call a wellness consultant for a complimentary consultation at 281-698-8698 – we will be happy to help you. The reason we do not contract with insurance companies is because to do so would mean that they could dictate the type of treatment we offer, which would not allow us to treat patients naturally. We do offer payment plans through CareCredit. We sincerely wish you the best in health and hope we can be of service to you.


  2. Donna wade

    I have a thyroid problem. On synthorid 88 mg. They ran a artoamune test and said my ana came back positive. And they said I have lupus. I had the lap band 11 years ago and still gain weight . I’ve been taken to the hospital 2 times a year breathing problems and infection. Went to another dr and they said with out taking any test no lupus but they beleive id do have some kind of autoamun problem. I just got insurance threw oboma care. I don’t know where to turn


    • Hotze Team

      Dear Donna,

      Thank you for your comment. It sounds like you may have adrenal issues in addition to your thyroid problem. Autoimmune conditions are also often linked to an unhealthy gut, such as candida or yeast overgrowth. Doing a yeast-free eating program can help. Also, Synthroid is synthetic thyroid and contains only T4, the inactive thyroid hormone, and a lot of patients do not feel better on it. We have better results with desiccated thyroid, which contains both T3, the active thyroid hormone, and T4.

      We do not accept insurance at our wellness center. We do not contract with insurance companies, because to do so would mean that they could dictate the type of treatment we offer, which would not allow us to treat patients naturally. We do offer payment plans through CareCredit. If you would like more information, please contact a wellness consultant at 877-698-8698 for a complimentary consultation. We wish you good health!


  3. Irene

    I’ve seen you on Deborah Duncan show before and wanted to call just never call. I have problem with my thyroid I am losing hair can’t lose weight just been relieving hard and difficult. I take levothyroxin 88mcg. I also have night sweat. I don’t sleep well at night. I really would like to see you.


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