Hypothyroidism After a Thyroidectomy – Chris’s Health Journey – Part 1

Comments: 2 | September 28th, 2015

Hypothyroidism After a Thyroidectomy – Chris’s Health Journey – Part 1

Do you still have symptoms of hypothyroidism after a thyroidectomy? Chris had his thyroid gland removed and was placed on Synthroid, but he still had weight gain, exhaustion, and sleepless nights. He couldn’t focus at work and had no motivation. Sound familiar? One day, he was short of breath with chest pressure and he thought he was having a heart attack. Find out what was really causing Chris’s health symptoms.

Video Transcript

Dr. Hotze: Dr. Steve Hotze here with Chris Duell. Chris is on his first day at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center. Chris, give us a brief background on what made you decide to come in today.

Chris: I had my thyroid removed when I was in the military back in 1984. Everything was fine under Synthroid for a long period of time. As I got older, had a lot of weight gain, but I pretty much ignored it, because everything was fine, until last June of 2014. I thought I was having a heart attack. I was on I-10, I got tunnel vision, I got tingling, and I couldn’t breathe. There was an intense pressure in my chest. I called my wife and I said, “This is it.”

I drove out to Katy and went to the emergency room. They admitted me. They confirmed that I was having a heart attack and they hooked me up with the EKG. The only problem was that all of the results of the tests did not indicate that I was having a heart attack. All the cardiac enzyme tests came back normal. They couldn’t figure out what was wrong until my wife got there. Very calmly, she said, “He’s not having a heart attack. Take out the samples of blood that you’ve already drawn, and rerun those tests. Check his thyroid.” The doctor came in about 40 minutes later and acknowledged that my thyroid was extremely low.

I was kept one night for observation, discharged the next day, and given an increase in thyroid medications. Over the last year everything else has gotten worse. I continue to have cardiac issues. I continue to have weight issues. Stamina, sleepless nights, exhaustion, can’t stay focused in my job, and no motivation. I had the opportunity to meet with some people that are currently guests here. After talking to them and doing the research, and reading your books, I realized that there was only one hope and that was for me to come here and regain my life. There was no other choice. It starts today.

Dr. Hotze: I’m so proud of you for making the choice to take charge of your health. You’re going to do great. This is going to be our first video, and we’re going to do multiple interviews with Chris over time and you’re going to see a dramatic change in his life. Chris, best to you.

Chris: Thank you very much.

Dr. Hotze: God bless you, my friend. I’ll see you again.

Chris: He already has.

Dr. Hotze: Good.

Isn’t it time to get your health back so that you can feel your best? Take our thyroid and testosterone symptom checker quiz and then call one of our wellness consultants to design the right treatment for you.

Have you experienced any of the symptoms that Chris did? Share your experience below.

Written By: STEVEN F. HOTZE, M.D.

Steven F. Hotze, M.D., is the founder and CEO of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, Hotze Vitamins and Physicians Preference Pharmacy International, LLC.


2 thoughts on “Hypothyroidism After a Thyroidectomy – Chris’s Health Journey – Part 1

  1. Maria del Rosario Munayco Rojas

    Me parece muy bien que se haya podido controlar a si, se asemeja algunos síntomas de un familiar que pasa por ello ,lo bueno que en Estados Unidos existe hospotales y medicos especialozados pero a qui en el Peru el seguro te receta lo bvasico y mas nada pur que no hay los insumos


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