
2 thoughts on “The Most Common Cause of Fibromyalgia Revealed

  1. Kara

    Gosh! This completely hit home with me. Before seeing Dr. Ellsworth at the Hotze Center I had been told by countless doctors that I had fibromyalgia, and one doctor even told me that a lot of my symptoms were just in “in my head”; but desperate for answers I decided to try the treatment prescribed, and I literally took the rx once! One pill and and I felt more sick than before my doctor visit. Long story short, at the Hotze Center I was treated (naturally) to regulate my hormones and thyroid and I have never felt better. I was even able to go back to school and FINALLY finish my BA, I had tried countless times before but always had to drop due to being ill. The Hotze Health and Wellness Center gave me my life back, they made me, “me”, again! If you are on the fence about seeing one of their wonderful doctors, take the plunge. The only regret you will have is taking so long to get started!


    • Hotze Team

      Dear Kara,

      Congratulations on your success and getting your life back! We appreciate you sharing your story – it will definitely help encourage others who are still suffering and searching for answers. We wish you continued health and happiness!


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