3 Ways Testosterone Protects a Man’s Heart

Comments: 0 | February 2nd, 2018

3 Reasons Testosterone Can Save Your Life

3 Ways Testosterone Protects a Man’s Heart

As a man, are you worried about having a heart attack? Your first thought may be to reach for a cholesterol-lowering drug, but we think differently. There is a better, more natural way to truly protect your heart – testosterone.

Did you know that optimal testosterone levels help prevent heart attacks? It protects the heart and arteries, and decreases risk of heart disease. Testosterone accumulates in the heart twice as much as in normal muscle and five times as much as in the prostate, which is also very receptive to testosterone.

3 Reasons Testosterone Can Save Your Life

1. It lowers blood pressure by dilating the arteries, including the aorta and coronary arteries of the heart.

2. Studies indicate that taking natural testosterone can help reverse arteriosclerosis (hardening and thickening of the walls of the arteries).

3. It can counter high cholesterol and angina (chest pain caused by insufficient blood supply to heart muscle).

When the aorta narrows, it overloads the heart and forces it to exert much greater effort to push the blood through. Without enough testosterone, the heart can’t do it. On the other hand, a heart with a plentiful testosterone supply remains oxygenated, strong and tough. Studies show that men with arteriosclerosis generally have low testosterone levels. Take a look at how a testosterone deficiency affects your heart and artery health:

Heart and Artery Health Symptoms Caused by Testosterone Deficiency

High LDL
High cholesterol
High blood pressure starting at midlife
Damaged heart or arteries
Intermittent claudication (pain and/or cramping in the lower leg due to inadequate blood flow to the muscles)
Leg ulcers
Weak heartbeat
Slow heartbeat
Increased risk of stroke

Do you have low testosterone?

Treating any testosterone deficiency in men is a good, preventative measure for heart health. Take our symptom checker quiz to find out if you have symptoms of low testosterone so you can take action today to protect your heart.

Source: Thierry Hertoghe, M.D.  “The Hormone Solution”

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