
26Jul, 2011

Gwen’s Story

Written By: STEVEN F. HOTZE, M.D. | Tags:

Have you gone to your doctor about all your aches and pains, your depressed moods, your inability to sleep, and your lack of energy?  Did your doctor tell you that nothing is wrong with you?  Did you know that all these symptoms can be caused by a hormonal imbalance?  Don't let your doctor offer

adrenal fatigue
21Jul, 2011

Adrenal Fatigue – Sherry’s Story

By: | Tags:

Are you experiencing numerous health symptoms that are negatively affecting every aspect of your life?  Can your doctors find nothing wrong with you?  Well, you don't have to live this way - there is an answer!  Sherry shares her story about how Dr. Hotze helped her to overcome her severe adrenal