Debbie A.’s Story – Tired, Weight Gain, PMS

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I was scared…

The danger of feeling I could fall asleep while driving home from work was one of the SCARIEST things.  While at home, my kids were saying, “Mom is taking a nap AGAIN!”

The 4th doctor I went to told me “…you must be depressed….Prozac would help” THEN HE SAID “…It is such a wonderful invention that they should put it in the water supply!”  Needless to say, I left.  I knew I was NOT depressed but with the lack of any hope of having a normal life again I was ABOUT to be depressed about THAT.

BUT SOMETHING WAS REALLY WRONG.  Was something seriously physically wrong with me? The doctors had said not.  I felt like I was living in an 84 year old body, though I was only 44.   Did anyone else feel like this?  I felt very much alone.

The months went by slowly, resigning myself to trying to somehow just live with it.  One day I received a loud frantic call from my husband of 27 years.  He told me “there is a doctor talking about YOU on the radio!  I swear he is talking about YOU!”

In disbelief, I listened to this doctor on the radio, he WAS talking about me!  This doctor spoke of MY symptoms, my tiredness, my weight gain, my PMS symptoms, MY LIFE.  How did he know this?  He said these were symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

I suddenly felt a glimmer of real hope. Could I feel normal again?

I called, scheduled an appointment.

Here I am, 4 ½ years later and I can still say “I truly got my life back”.  This body is now 49 years old, my skin looks good, I have more energy and I am so very happy that we happened upon that radio show with Dr. Steven Hotze.

Have you ever heard “Today is the first day of the rest of your life”?  Well, my ‘today’ started when I got my hormones back in balance.

The people at the Hotze Health and Wellness Center cannot be thanked enough for their help.

Can you relate to Debbie’s story? Contact us today!

Written By: STEVEN F. HOTZE, M.D.

Steven F. Hotze, M.D., is the founder and CEO of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, Hotze Vitamins and Physicians Preference Pharmacy International, LLC.