Health and Wellness

15 Ways to Take Good Care of Yourself
20Aug, 2019

15 Ways to Take Good Care of Yourself

Written By: STEVEN F. HOTZE, M.D. | Tags: , , , ,

In this non-stop, busy world, it’s essential that you take time out regularly for YOU. We often neglect to do this because there’s always one more project to work on, one more email to answer, housework to be done…the list is endless. However, it’s okay to just stop once in a while and rech

Food Allergy Facts
25Apr, 2019

Food Allergy Facts

Written By: STEVEN F. HOTZE, M.D. | Tags:

Do you suffer from allergy symptoms after you eat a meal? Do you notice feeling differently after eating certain foods? It's possible that you could have a food allergy. Here are some interesting food allergy facts you need to know.

15Feb, 2019

Urgent Notice from Physicians Preference Pharmacy

Written By: STEVEN F. HOTZE, M.D. | Tags:

Dear Guests of Hotze Health & Wellness Center and Physicians Preference Pharmacy, We hope this letter finds you doing well! As you know, we recently transitioned from Hotze Pharmacy to Physicians Preference Pharmacy.  As a result, we have had to make backend system updates, and we have made eve