Antidepressants are Not the Answer for the Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance

Comments: 2 | May 21st, 2015

antidepressants for symptoms of hormonal imbalance

Antidepressants – Traditional Medicine’s Answer for Every Health Symptom
Antidepressants are so commonly prescribed today that most people don’t think twice about it. Traditional doctors give them out like candy for just about every symptom in the book.   You most likely know several people who are taking antidepressants. You may even be taking them yourself. It is good that you are seeking help for your symptoms.  However, are antidepressants really the answer for the symptoms of hormonal imbalance?   We think there’s a more effective, safer solution for you.

You Don’t Have a Prozac Deficiency
Besides depressed moods, traditional doctors prescribe antidepressants for many symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, PMS, hot flashes, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, panic attacks, and mood swings. You aren’t having these symptoms because you are deficient in Prozac or any other antidepressant.  These are common symptoms of hypothyroidism and hormonal imbalance that often go misdiagnosed.

Other Causes of Depressed Moods
1. Hypothyroidism
2. Low Testosterone
3. Low Progesterone
4. Menopause

Antidepressants are Dangerous, Addictive Drugs
Antidepressants only mask symptoms, and have a host of serious side effects including worsening depression, and suicidal and homicidal behavior. Despite what you may have been told, you this isn’t the only answer.  We encourage you to dig deeper and find out what is causing your symptoms.

Caution: Do not stop taking an antidepressant cold turkey.
If you are currently taking antidepressants, you should never stop them abruptly since they are addicting and can cause severe, dangerous withdrawal symptoms.  Work with your doctor to wean off of them slowly and safely.  We recommend reading, “The Antidepressant Solution: A Step-by-Step Guide to Safely Overcoming Antidepressant Withdrawal, Dependence, and ‘Addiction,’” by Joseph Glenmullen, M.D. This is a great resource to give to your doctor.

Discover the Underlying Cause of Your Symptoms
Your symptoms are not “all in your head.”  Always ask your doctor to explain what is causing your symptoms.  Supplementing with bioidentical hormones can safely restore your body with what it’s missing and resolve your symptoms.

To learn more about the root cause of your health problems, click here to take our symptom checker health quiz or share this with a friend who might need it.

Did your doctor prescribe you an antidepressant for your symptoms? Share your experience in the comments below.

Antidepressants are Not the Answer for the Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance

Comments: 2 | May 21st, 2015

antidepressants for symptoms of hormonal imbalance

Antidepressants – Traditional Medicine’s Answer for Every Health Symptom
Antidepressants are so commonly prescribed today that most people don’t think twice about it. Traditional doctors give them out like candy for just about every symptom in the book.   You most likely know several people who are taking antidepressants. You may even be taking them yourself. It is good that you are seeking help for your symptoms.  However, are antidepressants really the answer for the symptoms of hormonal imbalance?   We think there’s a more effective, safer solution for you.

You Don’t Have a Prozac Deficiency
Besides depressed moods, traditional doctors prescribe antidepressants for many symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, PMS, hot flashes, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, panic attacks, and mood swings. You aren’t having these symptoms because you are deficient in Prozac or any other antidepressant.  These are common symptoms of hypothyroidism and hormonal imbalance that often go misdiagnosed.

Other Causes of Depressed Moods
1. Hypothyroidism
2. Low Testosterone
3. Low Progesterone
4. Menopause

Antidepressants are Dangerous, Addictive Drugs
Antidepressants only mask symptoms, and have a host of serious side effects including worsening depression, and suicidal and homicidal behavior. Despite what you may have been told, you this isn’t the only answer.  We encourage you to dig deeper and find out what is causing your symptoms.

Caution: Do not stop taking an antidepressant cold turkey.
If you are currently taking antidepressants, you should never stop them abruptly since they are addicting and can cause severe, dangerous withdrawal symptoms.  Work with your doctor to wean off of them slowly and safely.  We recommend reading, “The Antidepressant Solution: A Step-by-Step Guide to Safely Overcoming Antidepressant Withdrawal, Dependence, and ‘Addiction,’” by Joseph Glenmullen, M.D. This is a great resource to give to your doctor.

Discover the Underlying Cause of Your Symptoms
Your symptoms are not “all in your head.”  Always ask your doctor to explain what is causing your symptoms.  Supplementing with bioidentical hormones can safely restore your body with what it’s missing and resolve your symptoms.

To learn more about the root cause of your health problems, click here to take our symptom checker health quiz or share this with a friend who might need it.

Did your doctor prescribe you an antidepressant for your symptoms? Share your experience in the comments below.


2 thoughts on “Antidepressants are Not the Answer for the Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance

  1. Tammy McManis

    I started just out of the blue having severe panic attacks which caused me to start spotting and I am post menopausal. The Dr did an ultrasound and said everything looked fine. I feel stressed so I am still having the panic attack. He put me in Zoloft and I have severe side affects, worse panic attacks, GI problems, feeling panicy, bad thoughts etc. I was only on it four days, now they want me to switch to Prozac I don’t know what to do because I have depression and anxiety. What can I do? What can I ask my dr to do?


    • Hotze Team

      Dear Tammy,

      We are so sorry to hear that you are experiencing depression, anxiety and panic attacks. We understand how uncomfortable those symptoms can be. These symptoms are very common in women and are often caused by hormone deficiencies. Here is a graphic that explains five common causes:

      Antidepressants are not the answer and they don’t solve the underlying cause of your symptoms. You need to get to the root of the hormone imbalance with your doctor and correct it by supplementing your hormones with bioidentical hormones that are identical to the hormones made by your body. Once hormone levels are restored to their proper levels, your symptoms will resolve.

      If we may be of service to you, please contact one of our wellness consultants at 281-698-8698 for more information about our program and how we can help you.

      Thank you for your question. We wish you great health!


      Hotze Team


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