6 Tips for Breast Health

Comments: 0 | October 16th, 2018

6 Tips for Breast Health

While many of our guests are already working to balance the sex, adrenal and thyroid hormones, I think it is important to discuss breast health.  This can be the elephant in the room since everyone avoids the “C” word, cancer.  In 2017, it was estimated that there were 253,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer in women, and 2,500 in men.

A healthy female breast has several sections called lobes that are made of smaller sections called lobules. These lobules produce breast milk and that’s usually where  cancer can begin to form. Within the breast, there is a lymphatic system that sits inside the adipose “fatty” tissue. This lymphatic system is part of a network that is part of the immune system and distributes particles from the breast to the lymph that helps drain excess of fluids, toxins and waste elements. The breast network involves nerves, lymph nodes, blood vessels and some fatty and connective tissue. The male breast is identical to the female breast with the exception that the lobules in males are not specific and cannot produce milk. The breast does not contain muscles, but it sits on the top of the chest wall muscle, called pectoris.

Most breast cancers are detected during a screening or physical examination. We recommend staying up to date on your professional breast exam yearly and doing a self-breast exam monthly. The self-breast exam is best done 7 days after menstruation or the same day every month for consistency. Be sure to start the examination under your arms where the tail of your breast is. The most common sign is a painless lump, but when it spreads to the lymph nodes, it can cause swelling, a lump, or pain. Always look for asymmetry, discharge or skin changes when examining your breasts.

Here are 6 Tips for breast health:

1 Having a healthy lifestyle can help promote breast and overall health for any individual. This is a difficult task, as we have become a fast-past society. We don’t always make time to cook at home, to shop a variety of organic fruits and vegetables, and we are often too busy to commit to a daily routine of exercise. Aim for 30 minutes of moderate physical exercise daily and to get more fiber-rich foods and cruciferous vegetables in your diet, such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts, that help promote healthy pathways of estrogen metabolism.

2. Proper lymphatic drainage and detox: Drinking plenty of water, avoiding pesticides and eating plenty of fiber help promote elimination of toxins. However, we also recommend a routine of dry skin brushing and FAR infrared sauna use regularly to help drain and eliminate toxins.

3. Achieve hormone balance, and avoid exposure to xenoestrogens or hormone disruptors such as plastics, parabens, pesticides, synthetic fragrances, etc.

4. Have regular breast screenings/exam yearly.

5. Support your immune system by eating more antioxidant-rich foods such as berries, cacao, kale, etc. Drink green tea daily. If you are sick often, consider addressing airborne and food allergies and rule out possible mold exposure. The more colorful the diet, the more nutritious it is.

6. Avoid breast implants. Consider this and discuss with your provider if you have breast implants or you are contemplating getting them. Some experts speculate that this may cause immune suppression, trigger autoimmune conditions, and be a focus for mold growth. It may be worth considering removal of breast implants if your health is declining after insertion of breast implants and it is not improving despite your efforts.

Hormone Balance is Also Crucial for Breast Health

Are you having symptoms such as weight gain, anxiety, menstrual cramps, migraines, PMS or hot flashes? If so, then take our symptom checker to find out what’s going on. Don’t wait – get your health back on track today!

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